Kelseiday waited outside the Immokalee Friendship House on Friday wearing a smile only a mother knows.
Several months ago, Kelseiday’s life was getting away from her. Work was hard to come by. Sobriety was a dream deferred. High-conflict over a rented room in Fort Myers landed her in jail. Desperate to keep Kassidy out of foster care and improve herself, Kelseiday asked Better Together for help.
Help came quickly and without judgment. Three vetted, volunteer Better Together host families opened their hearts and homes to Kassidy while Kelseiday was in jail. Our team kept mother and daughter connected via phone calls and FaceTime. We also provided mentorship to Kelseiday and refused to give up on her.
After Kelseiday’s release, we reached out to St. Matthew’s House in hopes of finding temporary housing for Kelseiday and Kassidy. St. Matthew’s had a family unit available at the Immokalee Friendship House. Both our organizations committed to helping Kelseiday, as she helps herself, in finding work, permanent housing and maintaining sobriety.
On Friday, as Kassidy ran toward her mother’s smile, faith, grace and love made everything brighter.
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Moments by Kinfay Moroti/hopeful images
Posted March 12, 2024