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Better Jobs: Solving The Root Of The Problem

When the Better Together team realized 76% of our families came to us because of an economic hardship tied to unemployment, we knew we had to address the root of the problem and created Better Jobs to help. Thanks to a network of church partners across the United States, Better Jobs has helped more than 38,000 job seekers find employment. Before you think it is “just a job fair,” read on. Participants get everything they need to succeed – whatever it takes.

As a result, two-thirds of job fair attendees get a job interview, and one out of four receive a job offer on the spot.

A Better Job Fair

To say Better Jobs is more than your typical job fair is an understatement! It’s nothing short of a miracle for those who are struggling to find their path to dignity and employment.

Here’s how it works… Before meeting with prospective employers, job seekers may consult with Better Jobs volunteers for interviewing tips, resume help and coaching on how they can best articulate their skills. Church-based organizers recruit other assistants, such as volunteer hairstylists, and collect business attire to help attendees look and feel their best.

Participating employers are coached in advance, too, and encouraged to replace anonymous online applications with live interviews, ask questions that go beyond standard work histories and fill open positions on the spot. There’s even an “Opportunity Bell” that candidates and hiring managers ring when they’ve made a match.

The impact is remarkable, with more than 38,000 job seekers finding employment through our church-based, volunteer-powered model.

Harnessing Better Jobs As a Ministry

Two Volunteers at a job fair

Better Jobs thrives on its church partnerships. We provide the model and tons of experienced support, but church volunteers are the boots on the ground and the heart of the ministry.

Why should your church host a Better Jobs ministry? The fact is, 80% of churches offer emergency food, utility or other financial assistance. However, less than 2% provide a job ministry.

Better Jobs helps faith leaders live the parable of teaching men and women “to fish,” putting them on the road to upward mobility. Additionally, job seekers, many of whom don’t have a church home, often bond with these church communities.

Better Jobs can be the perfect avenue to someone finding faith and establishing friendships that continue to propel them forward.

Who Do We Serve

Through Better Jobs, we serve those who need us most, though they are people you pass by everyday right in your own community. The job seekers who benefit from our ministry:

• Have a household income of less than $25,000
• 65% are unemployed
• 25% are on food stamps
• 77% are millennials
• 71% don’t have a college education
• 60% are unchurched

Better Jobs is an opportunity to form relationships that could go beyond employment. This ministry is an opportunity to show God’s grace and introduce people to the benefits of a relationship with Him. We are honored to say many of the individuals we help turn around and pay it forward by volunteering with us to help others.

Ways to Give for Churches,
Employers and Community Advocates

We are Participating in Give4Marion, and Need Your Support!

Join us for a 33-hour campaign dedicated to raising money and awareness for nonprofit organizations doing good in Marion County. Fundraising kicks off today and ends at 7 p.m. tomorrow.