Sharing Better Together in Tampa Bay

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Dozens of community leaders in the Tampa Bay region gathered Tuesday afternoon to learn more about Better Together and the roles they can serve in ending the foster care crisis.

Our goal is to strengthen families through community and employment, resulting in strong families and fewer children in the foster care system.

At Tuesday’s reception, we shared our Better Families program, which provides mentors and host families to help parents navigate a crisis, all with the support of professional staff. We shared the story of Abby, who now helps other parents:


We shared our Better Jobs program, which has helped more than 38,000 job seekers find work.

The support and energy we received Tuesday inspires us, and we are excited to work with Tampa Bay to strengthen families and reduce the need for foster care. We hope you’ll join our mission.

A special thanks to our generous sponsor, The Triad Foundation.

Photos from the reception at the Palma Ceia Golf & Country Club:


Posted November 2, 2022

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