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NWDSC Social Media Kit

Nationwide Day of Second Chances 2023

Welcome to the 2023 Nationwide Day of Second Chances social media kit. Please feel free to use any of the following photos, graphics, videos and text to help you share about this great day of simultaneous job fairs across the country. You are welcome to use the sample posts, create your own, share our posts or mix and match.




Example 1

Everyone deserves a second chance. That’s why we’ll be at our local Nationwide Day of Second Chances job fair by @BTogetherOrg, looking for employees ready to give 110%. It’s like no other job fair you’ve seen. There are resources, free job coaching and lots of celebration.


Example 2

Everyone deserves a second chance. That’s why we’ll be at our local Nationwide Day of Second Chances job fair by @BTogetherOrg, helping job seekers with barriers to employment, like incarceration, homelessness or lack of child care. It’s like no other job fair you’ve seen. There are resources, free job coaching and lots of celebration.

Get involved, learn more and sign up:

Example 3

We’re participating in Nationwide Day of Second Chances to come together with volunteers, churches, businesses and community organizations to show our support for our community. This day of simultaneous job fairs across the country opens doors to job seekers with barriers to employment. We love being hands-on helping people connect with recruiting businesses, job coaches, and other important resources, because everyone deserves a second chance.

Get involved, learn more and sign up:

Example 4

Nationwide Day of Second Chances connects job seekers who face employment barriers to opportunities for meaningful work. Each job fair provides job coaches, resources and a chance to connect with hiring managers. We look forward to having a great impact on our community April 20!

Get involved, learn more and sign up:


#BetterTogether #SecondChances #NWDSC #BetterJobs



Nationwide Day of Second Chances is a day of simultaneous job fairs throughout the U.S. For job seekers who have barriers to employment, like incarceration, homelessness or lack of child care, it can change the world. The events provide job coaches and resources, helping many land a job on the spot. Nearly all leave with more hope and confidence. This year’s event is Thursday, April 20.


Better Together is a nonprofit organization that helps parents who are going through a difficult time keep their children out of foster care, find work and address the root causes of their struggle so that they can reunite as a family with the tools and support system to thrive. The organization is privately funded, volunteer-driven and professionally supported. In the Better Families program, host families are available to care for children in their home while the parents work with a mentor to get back on their feet. The Better Jobs program was created to address the 76% of families who can trace their crisis to job loss. Through local church partners, the program provides supportive job fairs and job coaching.


If you have any questions regarding the event, please feel free to reach out to

Questions about the social media kit elements can be directed to the marketing team by emailing

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Join us for a 33-hour campaign dedicated to raising money and awareness for nonprofit organizations doing good in Marion County. Fundraising kicks off today and ends at 7 p.m. tomorrow.