Better Partnerships Empower Better Families
Auto care
Gift Cards
School supplies
Blankets and pillows
Your corporate donation will make a lasting difference in children’s lives. It shows your commitment to your community and associates your brand with a solution-oriented cause that achieves proven, lasting results for innocent children. Show your community how much you care with a gift to Better Together!
How Better Families
Partners with Churches
Our Better Families program empowers and equips churches and volunteers to be ambassadors of the gospel in their own neighborhoods. In addition to praying for our beneficiaries, raising funds and leading supply drives that go directly to supporting the children in our care, churches are a critical source of volunteer power including:
Host Families
Family Mentors
Family Advocates
Faith-based Coordinators
Our volunteers walk with parents every step of the way on their journey toward stability. They act as trusted advisors, shoulders to cry on, and important sources of tough love and positive motivation without judgement. When parents are ready to pick their children up, they simply pick them up.
These volunteers are in it for the long haul, forming real and supportive relationships without judgment that provide a safety net for kids and give parents everything from a shoulder to cry on, to job coaching, to marriage advice, and more. A real community forms out of these experiences. Several “alumni” of our programs have come full circle. After they have turned their lives around, they became volunteers to support other families in need. It’s an amazing transformation to witness and be a part of, and it begins with seeing the people we serve as brothers and sisters, not cases.
Come Alongside Us
By coming alongside us, your congregation is a critical piece of restoring the American Church to its rightful place as the safe harbor for our neighbors who most need support. Let’s connect isolated families to the church community by forming real connections of support and love.


Corporate Giving
Your tax-deductible charitable contribution will help Better Families ensure children receive the best care possible while staying with their Host Family. On average, the cost for necessities such as food, clothing, diapers and formula totals $1,200 per child. Every gift is appreciated and goes directly to benefit the children in our care.

COMING SOON: Community Contribution Tax Credit Program (CCTCP)
We love seeing companies rewarded for doing good! This program provides a financial incentive via an income tax credit or sales tax refund to encourage qualified Florida businesses to make donations to Better Together.
Give to Better Jobs Too
Recognizing that parents cannot achieve self-sufficiency without stable employment, Better Together also administers the Better Jobs program. This first-of-its-kind model, connecting job seekers with employers in partnership with local churches, also needs donor support. Learn more about this impactful giving opportunity.